Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Low Content Post Penalty Rant

I'm going to get so much hate for this angry G-rated rant to ruffle your feathers and get few of you frazzled. But I don't mean it literally. And by G-rated, I mean that this rant will have little to no swearing and that's something my future rants will have.

Now, if you have been living under a freaking rock like Patrick Star from SpongeBob SquarePants, welcome to the modern world where we can get food with a press of a single button on our phones on DoorDash or any other food delivery app. Anyway, you know about how forums have strictness about staying on topic. Most of them have rules that they need to follow so that they can avoid penalties ranging from warnings to permanent bans and have a chance of being chosen to become a moderator.

But I want to point out to the direction of the site, the Skullheart forums. It came back in 2021 when ongoing development of Skullgirls 2nd Encore was caused by Autumn Games being holders of the IP. It became a perfect place to discuss all things 2nd Encore. The old one was archived and it had a tracker that tracks channels that stream both Skullgirls and Indivisible and has threads that point out to the discussion of other games. But the current one no longer has that and I already missed that.

I really had a lot of fun talking in the Skullheart forums. But needs a lot more improvements, so I made a few posts on the topic where we suggest improvements. Improvements include a sigil of a shuriken Valentine now has in 2nd Encore to reflect her cross update Mobile will get later this year, a tracker that tracks live channels that livestream Skullgirls, missing sigils for the Season Pass characters and new prefixes.

There is a most active thread where we can discuss about Skullgirls 2nd Encore's Beta, which is now closed down since the balance patch dropped and wouldn't play on it since Annie is having an audio issue on PlayStation, which is why I wouldn't dare embrace Star Overdrive combos until then. But the hotfix will remedy that. I was inside the lines, my fancy way of saying on topic and following the rules. It's the only thread that became so active. I posted a lot of messages and kept them high key as possible. I assisted moderators too and it can be legitimate to make sure that no user colors outside the lines, which is my fancy way of saying break the rules and get off-topic. Now I'm here to get something off my chest. I have been talking about this on private many times. But it's finally time that I put a markdown on what has ticked me off and how did I get a bad day.

So here is this detailed warning message I was given for making a low value post; a low content post that associated with me being excited about the patch. This is especially since I have mentioned the same topics seveal times in other threads. Also, that warning message has a little bit of an error in grammar.

Those posts I made expressed my feelings on how excited I am for the hotfix that can fix issues I reported and the network improvements to the Steam version, which I wouldn't play until I get a gaming laptop. So I got warned for the first time for making a post about how excited I am for that patch. Second time is doing the same thing, but on a different thread. Then all of a sudden, I was issued a freaking timeout for a low content post? This is the biggest pile of absolute bullcrap I have ever experienced and I am NOT amused at the fact that this is literally the worst thing mods can do. None of the forums I signed up on involved a low content post penalty. I can hear them ask what about X. I'll get to that later.

How dare they suspend me for a low content post when I was on topic! I was given two warnings and a straight up two-day suspension a low content post? I would be freaking ticked! That was just a Frankenstein mess of things and a horrible experience that I don't even consider fair at all! In fact, mods are making a lampoon out of themselves just by penalizing users for a low content post like a brainless freaking ape on steroids! This wasn't the case with the situation over on GameSpot that was caused by one of the users' desire to post their desired vs. game thread over on System Wars and was no different than the part when THQ filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy after series of money losses, financial struggles and debt.

In a way, being excited for future stuff should not be deemed low content, so in an objective sense possible, what is legitimate is making a reply about being excited for future stuff. This is nothing low content about that and it's a margin for error. So if you don't agree with me in this rant, it's fine. Just don't hate me for ranting about this.

Since I am very angry that I won't be posting at the forums during my two day suspension for posting a low content reply and had a bad day, right off the hop, I'll share this here first, so here is Minette in her Elora palette. This is also in response to Spyro 4 getting in development by Toys for Bob independently from Activision. So this is what her idle pose looks like and since she is coming as a Guest Star in Mobile along with Brain Drain and the third and final TBA Guest Star this year likely to be announced at EVO, her own set of sprites might be added to the palette editor and there is a good chance for her to make it to 2nd Encore as well.

They were tempted to dive right into a Season 2 Pass, but they have to stop and recalibrate their efforts a bit. And by that, the mean that they need to get the remaining content out of the way first. They are Annie's alternative voice pack, the Japanese voices for the Season Pass characters during combat and the English (and hopefully Japanese) voices for the Season Pass characters during Story Mode. That's why active development on 2nd Encore is going on hiatus after the hotfix until 2025 when the voice content get released while active development on Mobile is ongoing to release Guest Stars this year.

In total, I made Annie and Minette their palettes that depict the iconic goddesses in subsequent Spyro games in the original trilogy. So we have an interesting development to how virtually amazing they look in their Bianca and Elora palettes as they were able to add idle poses to the palette editor under the custom section. Objectively, the best characters in the Spyro franchise are the two goddesses and they are two of the best girls like Sally Acorn and Bunnie Rabbot from Sonic SatAM.

Now before I get to argument regarding posting posts about how angry we are about the patch, let's take a clearer look at the Renoir sisters in their Linda and Louise Belcher palettes. I believe that we now have a clear view for these two palettes now that the palette editor is having idle poses in the custom section.

So, I have compiled these four interesting palettes with a clearer insight and had to share them here becuase I got timed out for a low content post for two freaking days! This is bullcrap. It is NOT necessary to just warn or suspend those who make posts that associate how excited they are about upcoming patches! This is legitimate. So in a business sense, why the heck would a moderator intend to penalize users for low content posts when they were respectful and on topic? You need to understand that they are in the business of ticking users off and making a lampoon out of themselves, not to appease them or take their job very seriously.

Users that I love on the internet are very excited about upcoming patches, but I know in the back of my mind that they shouldn't be penalized for low content posts as long as they stay inside the lines by a moderator or an admin for that matter. To penalize a user for posting a post about how excited they are about upcoming updates for a low content post would highly likely be operating at an unfair loss and treatment. Plus, how can you penalize a user for a low content post after they posted a reply associated with future stuff? It wrecks the experience in general as meh. When the Skullgirls community is so small, you are basically ruining the fun and experience.

Now, they have argued that if we make a post about how angry we are about that patch. We know that the patch they pushed in back in June 2023 became so controversial that it has censored and removed the art and altered content to anger fans with the exception of removing arm bands from the Egret soldiers. So what if we make a post about how angry we are about that patch? This doesn't seem like a good idea to me. We are still getting penalized for a low content post, even though it's an angry post.

Is it possible that you posted a reply about how angry you are about that patch? Sure, that brings drama to the forums following that controversial patch. But to penalize users that posted a reply about how excited they are about the patch that brings Minette and Annie's Elora and Bianca palettes and the Renoir sisters' Linda and Louise Belcher palettes and a new mechanic from SEGA vs. Capcom: The Next Level or 2XKO to 2nd Encore and Mobile for a low content post is an awful choice. It's like having a Reignited version of Enter the Dragonfly and calling it Enter the Dragonfly Reignited or some crap since Spyro vs. Mega Man. Even though that message was angry, they can also be penalized for a low content post.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. They are making a lampoon out of themselves by warning or timing out a user after they posted a reply about excitement for future stuff for low content post. And even though it's low content or low value, just leave the reply alone as long as it points out to the topic of the thread. Think of this as a business. If you became a mod, should you cause this bullcrap and make a lampoon out of yourself just by simply timing a user out after they posted a post that associates with being excited for an upcoming update that has Linda and Louise Belcher palettes for the Renoir sisters of the Canopy Kingdom for a low content post? No, you shouldn't because all that does is not just hurt the experience, but also gives a user an unhappy bad time and wrecks the fun. Do you understand what I mean?

Now let's talk about the only thing that is dignified in this rant. That is X, formerly Twitter. So what makes X so dignified? There are three reasons.

The first reason is no involvement of moderators and admins and a penalty for a low content post. Everybody has the right to post low content messages that associate with being excited for future patches on X or whatever without worrying about getting a penalty for a low content post and it's considered dignified enough for users to not experience the bullcrap. Do you understand what I'm saying? None of the other forums I signed up to didn't involve a low content post penalty.

Secondly, a good deal with X's Terms of Service is that they have serious stuff printed on there. Users need to abide by the Terms to have access to it once they sign up. Their account can be terminated for impersonating, bullying, harassment and other bad things under the zero tolerance policy that can cause the termination of their accounts. Especially child pornography, which can make them a pedophile and this is something you don't want to be because it's the worst criminal offense to send you to hate city forever and you'll have to be a registered sex offender or go to jail. And if you follow a user who was exposed a pedophile, immediately unfollow them and never reply to them. Ever.

And thirdly, a Terms of Service on social media is not as common as the ones in gaming websites with forums today, and it's largely dominated by GameSpot with its entry of its own Terms of Use. Something that would bring light to online users. If my words are correct, GameFAQs uses the same rule GameSpot has. And they have a karma system that determines what the user's karma is.

In fact, if this proves my theory correct, YouTube censors out bad words at moderate and severe levels to prevent them from showing on auto generated captions. That drew inspiration from one of Fox's American animated sitcom that's been a hit so far and has white characters that have jaundice, a yellow discoloration of the skin and no tongue moment when characters say words with an "L", even in later seasons that have a revamped animation, and that is the Simpsons. The other animated shows that have the same style of animation and have tongue movement when characters say words with an "L" and have no jaundice on white characters are Futurama and Disenchantment.

That's why the censorship policy is on YouTube's Terms of Service. Which means the low content post penality will never be involved and they will likely have a jolly good time. To not start the low content penalty bullcrap on YouTube and on X is a very smart business choice as the Terms didn't say anything about it at all for that matter and there is no sense of them making a lampoon out of themselves. But posting a video that contains copyrighted music on YouTube can cause copyright claims.

One final point to be made. We must follow the rules carefully so that we can avoid getting penalized and have a chance to be chosen to become a mod. A train that admins have is that users need to make sure that they abide by the forum rules wisely to avoid penalties ranging from warnings to permanent bans. Some users were able to avoid breaking the rules. Especially me, until I got warned and timed out for a low content post.

Penalizing users for posting a post that associates with being excited for whatever for a low content post on the forums makes no sense at all. It's legitimate for us to be excited about future stuff and post low content posts as long as they are on topic and respectful. We need to follow the rules, per se, but it's not necessary to just Looney Tunes the whole darn thing, okay? We don't want a site that has the forums that involves a low content post penalty. I am going to say this with great measure. If there is a post that associates with being excited about future things, just leave the user alone instead of penalizing those for a low content post as long as they are staying inside the lines. That's all I ask.

Sorry I got so worked up over this. Honestly, it's against Constitutional right and someone should do something about this. I'd be interested if I am the only one who did this crap.

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