Friday, November 6, 2015

Indivisible Incarnation Daily Breakdown - George

The Indivisible Indiegogo Campaign is getting lively so far! The progress is 46% and has 8 days to reach its goal! So you must get it done immediately, or Indivisible will never happen! On top of the small piece of details, the fourteenth day of the Indivisible Incarnation Daily Breakdown is all about the dragon slayer, George.

George is the dragon slayer with the highest prestige. His job is to explore the land and regions of the empire and slay the troublesome monsters and demons with his lance Scalesbane, crafted along with the remnants of his first kill. Point being, the Iron Kingdom is growing aggressively, but George cares not for policies and politics of the whole empire. Based on his looks, he almost resembles Sergei from Tales of Zestiria to match the story and gameplay standards for Indivisible.

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