Sunday, June 10, 2018

Why I Kind of Haven't Posted for a Long Time

Hey, guys, rpgfanboy is here, coming to you from the beautiful Commonwealth of Arizona. Today, I just want to explain why I haven't posted here for a long time. I did it without telling you why and that's because I always thought I would return, but unfortunately, if you didn't get the news, you just need to have over a million viewers for your site to qualify to the public, but apparently, there was some conflicts that you got to post carefully, especially when your viewers are watching what are you up to. So I figured that I have the liberty of explaining my fans on kind of why I haven't made a post for a long time. There are several reasons.

First reason is, my internet was on the fritz while I was checking something. I have replaced my old router with a new one that has a balanced download and upload speed. Unfortunately, there was some flaws like on bigger files, downloading took longer. Products like Cox use a little faster internet speed like my router that uses 25 megabits per second. That's how this site couldn't load. Also, I have a lot of work to do that allowed me to not have any time to make a post. This means I have nothing to talk about with the exception of reviews. I had a review drafted, but I decided to delete that and plan the next review. I barely have time to play some games with my friends online, as well as chatting with my friends.

There is also a factor, in which I've been playing video games occasionally. They are tailored to my interest in the video game side of things. There has been a lot of video games that are neat into my interest and video game companies were even in the process of making games, even though it's hard to get into the video game news and articles on that site. Sadly, it has kind of made me lose my interests on playing RPGs with profanity. In some times, I play a few games like Sonic Forces, the remake of Secret of Mana, TERA and more. I haven't even played other video games and some has profanity. This time, I played some Street Fighter V and that's all I played, as well as some SMITE with friends online. I got to beat the profanity-safe RPG Secret of Mana soon.

But just so you know, I have been a loss for words in the gaming industry for quite a while since I haven't checked that site for a long time after GameSpot gets a brand new look that isn't to my liking. Turns out that some people don't like the new GameSpot because of the dynamic of the layout and the new Terms of Use that is a little more lenient than the old one. Although I am a little disappointed that one of the users gotten permanently banned for posting a game vs. game thread. I fully understand that some gamers were angry because of the continuous point of contention of the community. I believe some gamers are 20 somethings who think gaming is not a fun way.

But I still like video games, though, so don't take this personally. Believe me if there was some conflicts in the video game industry. Let's be honest because there is the last factor is that I was talking to anyone in Capcom-Unity. I signed up to Capcom-Unity a few years ago since that user was banned for being a jerk to the mods and gotten annoyed. And you know, one of the users is a huge fan of Capcom crossovers. That could be the point of the crossover games.

In case you haven't noticed, you guys have been keeping up with me on my social media. This blog is 5 years old and I'm 23 years old, so I have started this blog back in 2013 while I was 18 years old. It has been 5 years since. But I don't feel like this blog isn't decent enough. I thank you viewers for being kind. If you are afraid that I may never post again, don't worry because this is a commitment of the future of this blog that I may make a post again. Again, thanks for being kind. I'll be looking forward to seeing you all again. Signing off!

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