Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Joe's Thoughts - RPG Fun Times in GoAnimate

Ever since I signed up for GoAnimate for Schools, I just realized that making characters from RPG games and making videos that star RPG characters got me through some fun times. It's obviously because I'm a huge fan of RPGs who starts making videos that starred the characters of them, so it's only the best when I made videos that star RPG characters on GoAnimate for Schools. I bet the others are working on their own fun times from making characters from TV shows and video games. So, are you wondering what fun times that got me into times in playing RPGs? Well, here they are.

This is Class Zero in a Comedy World form doing a presentation in Class Zero's Opening Ceremony and I made the original 12 classmates from scratch, like I did in the Business Friendly theme. Pretty cool, huh? It was one of the RPG fun times that got me through times in playing RPG games. There were my RPG mementos to remind me of the game. It was ever since I didn't realize JRPGs are no longer having a support for the Xbox consoles. Moving on, Class Zero looks refreshing in Comedy World. Their appearances match their hairstyles, clothes and aspects from Type-0.

Sice and Seven look distinguished in their silver hair and Nine's a little different from the game and subsequently his aspects. Not to mention Cinque's pigtails with a distinctive touch and color to match her aspects and appearance from the game. The problem is, I didn't make Nine's skin color a bit darker while Queen's skin is lighter, but Deuce's skin is a little darker than Queen's. Fortunately, Nine's skin color will be a little dark while Deuce's skin color will be the same as Queen's if I subscribe.

Next, they are Alisa Reinford and Laura S. Arseid in a Comedy World animation dancing at the stage all night. I also made them from scratch, along with their parents like I did with Class Zero. These are the females from Trails of Cold Steel that have heart and friendship. From their red uniforms and different colored skirts, they are from Class VII. Sometimes, it feels like the mementos were boxed in with good memories and fun times. I know chances are, these two girls have something in common in Comedy World, basically, but this is even adequately a creative work. So how are these two support Blinky, Inky, Pinky and Clyde? Can they join Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax Ignition to the mix?

Last but not least, Irina Reinford and Victor S. Arseid are both at a Comedy World-style meeting about Class Zero's ceremony. They are Alisa and Laura's parents from their hometown. These fun times reminded me of the one from Pac-Man's Pac Wedding because of the disco and party. The Pac of Honor, or the Zero of Honor rocks the ceremony. In other words, these two will make such a great meeting. The moral of the fun times is, if you make RPG characters, don't get too cocky about them, or you'll wound up playing house.

Right now, I can't publish my videos on YouTube because I'm in a 14 day free trial subscription until I subscribed to a one year plan that costs $60. In the meantime, if you have a PayPal account, just go to the PayPal website, enter my email address (In Contact Us) and send me $60, the money I need to subscribe to a plan. Once I have, I'll be working on a Trails of Cold Steel fun time and maybe a special.

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