Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Project X Zone review

Many months ago, a 3DS game called Fire Emblem: Awakening have finally hit the shelves. If you're a big fan of Project X Zone, then you have came to read the most amazing review of the third entry Project X Zone!

The Gameplay:

In the beginning of the game, you'll be doing the prologues before moving on to the chapters. On the field screen, you move your units on the blue square that represents able to move on a space. If your units touches the enemy units, you're ready to battle. It's exactly like on Fire Emblem because of these features. On the battle screen, you see the moves list that depends on the direction displayed on the touch screen. Your blue gauge is the XP gauge. It allows the units to use unique powers that they possess. Its max is 150%. It can be consumed by using Skills and other actions. Next up is the backup units. They can join in the battle. You can call them by pressing the R button. They can be able to join in the fun if the yellow square is under them. If you see the X symbol with the word CROSS in the middle, it means cross damage is on.

Project X Zone has awesome Super Moves that can be used by pressing the Y button. But it requires 100% XP. Their jingles changes upon their turn on your side and they can give you goosebumps sometimes. Next up is Solo Units. Solo Units are units that can join up with a Pair Unit. On the chapter completion screen, you select a Pair Unit then you choose a Solo Unit. You can call a Solo Unit by pressing the L button.

Next up is Requirements. Requirements are needed to meet a defeat or a victory condition. To move on to the next chapter, you must meet the victory conditions with a yellow text that is marked final and important. Keep in mind that you must avoid meeting the defeat conditions, otherwise it's game over. It even gets harder than Fire Emblem, some chapters take one hour to be beaten and it's a pain. If one of your units die, you use the Rescue feature to revive your units. It requires 50% XP. On the end of each battle, you earn EXP and items. On certain levels, you learn a new skill and a new attack.

If you're not comfortable with Project X Zone, you can abort it because Project X Zone has 50 chapters. Unless you want to keep playing it until you managed to beat it. If one of the enemy units about to attack you, use the three features: Counter for 20% XP, Defend for 20% XP and Full Defend for 60% XP. You can choose to do nothing anytime. Some units have the ability to use a Multi Attack. It attacks more than 1 enemy unit at once. It requires 100% XP. Keep in mind that you must avoid the status ailments. You can cure ailments by using the skills and items that cure ailments. HP can be regenerated by using Skills and items that heal the units' HP. If you're having trouble with that issue, you can continue on that point you used Quicksave on. On certain chapters, you can talk to Solo Units by using the Y button when touching him/her. To break objects and open chests, press the Y button. Look out for certain enemy units that are capable of using Super Moves and can counter.

Project X Zone Rants and Raves:

This game would make you jump out of the window because the chapters HAD to be slightly harder than Fire Emblem and should have a difficulty setting! You do NOT wanna buy this game because it's a long and hard game to play and you have to use the quicksave feature on the issues you're having trouble with! I recommend renting this game to ensure it's a bad game!


+Super Moves are interesting and amazing.
+Jingles from their universes are terrific.
+Using Solo Units and backup Units is awesome.


-50 chapters is too long.
-Frustrating events as Fire Emblem.

Although, I'm not too comfortable with Project X Zone since 50 chapters is a long time and took about over a week and I've aborted it. I'm gonna give Project X Zone an 8.0 for great. If you don't feel like beating it, feel free to abort anytime.

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