Friday, February 7, 2014

Bravely Default - release date delayed to 2/8

I have some sad news, everyone. Today was February 7, 2014, but the rental date for Bravely Default is now delayed to February 8, 2014. Sorry, guys. I received word from GameFly that tomorrow, Bravely Default will be available for renting. There's no need to fret because tomorrow will be for keeps before you know it!


  1. Ok, you just keep on lying to people. Mean while all of us who actually went to our local store and bought it today will play it today lol

  2. To be honest, GameFly delayed its release date to tomorrow's date. What a goshdarn rip! I thought release dates aren't supposed to be subject to change, though!

  3. I have had the game since December last year :D Since it was released in Europe first, and I got my review out of it yesterday xD

  4. That's nice for you to say. I'm just disappointed because GameFly rips off and delays Bravely Default's release date to tomorrow! THAT'S what I hate about delays!

  5. Considering RPGs are niche games, and not in very high demand, it's understandable that they don't have it yet. Not many people care to rent it. They aren't popular in the west.
