Saturday, February 8, 2014

GameFly ripping off and delaying Bravely Default's release date to 2/11

If you want to know what happened, then I have some sad news. Today was February 8, but GameFly delayed and ripped off Bravely Default's release date to February 11, which is the official release date for Lightning Returns! What a darn rip-off! But that doesn't matter because both games in my queue have the same release date! This is perfect since I was ticked off! I can't wait! Please, let it be for keeps or I'll lose my edge!


  1. Well you know what they say, you get what you pay for.

  2. Yes, but I can't rent Bravely Default until Lightning Returns' release date! Today's the 8th and I STILL get NOTHING because of this unfair strategy! I came across an unfair delay...

    That doesn't matter, though! It's because I'm super hyped for Square-Enix's first two RPG games! This'll be a greatest tradition yet! I hope this one is for keeps...

    1. Well you could, you know start saving money and then actually buy the game and keep it forever you know? There should be plenty of jobs out there you can search for, or heck ask your parents if there is something you can do to earn some cash.

  3. Hey rpgfanboy, I heard something really really cool! Did you know that in Bravely Default, Tiz is gonna die? Isn't that cool? ^ᴗ^

    1. I never played the full version, so I don't wanna know because I'm mad! GameFly just did something SICK, by ripping off and delaying Bravely Default's release date to 2/11! DID YOU KNOW HOW UNFAIR IT IS WHEN I GOT RIPPED OFF BY THE RELEASE DATE CHANGE!? I wait a long time and STILL NO REACTION!!

    2. Calm down Mr. Grumpy Butt, it's not that bad. These things happen. It's not sick. GameFly isn't a retailer, so they can't always get copies immediately. Calm down, please

  4. I wish I could, but my parents' money is STILL tight, and yes, maybe I can look for a job some other time. I think it'll HAVE to wait! Besides, I'll let my parents put their money on hold for the LEGO Movie.

    Maybe I should start looking for a browser game to hold me off...

  5. And it gets even better in Lightning Returns! Hope becomes the Voice of God, and then Lightning destroys the whole world, then rebuilds it after saving Sarah's soul. Isn't that amazing? =D

  6. But it's bad! In the near future, they will start ripping people off by changing the release date from actual to late just to tick me off! I've been getting hyped up for this and NOW, IT'S ENDED UP AT 2/11! WHAT A RIP!!
