Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Neptunia Spinoff - on the works!

It looks like we're getting a Neptunia Spinoff, and it looks like it! I know I said it was a series for girls, but I have learned my lesson that both men and women can play the Moe SRPG series. Anyway, the spinoff is called Planet Destroyer Black Heart. If it was a Noire spinoff, then chances are, she will be the protagonist for the game.

If you don't know who is Noire, then I can explain it to you. She is a citizen of Lastation. Her hairstyle has ponytails and her hair color was a raven black. She makes a great protagonist. Here, the game doesn't just provide a deep and engaging gameplay, but a deep and girl-tastic storyline as well. Altogether, the game will have 18 females, including the original ones that are made for the Vita game. Ester, Milli, Rid, Tsunemi and Sango are the key characters. Not a Barbie-style game or something, but it will have Sopranos and Altos like other games.

The limited edition has a Noire figurine and a drama CD. The ones who pre-ordered the game get a visual book as a bonus. With that being said, Hyper Goddess Creed Noire: Planet Destroyer Black Heart will hit Japan stores on May 29, 2014 for the PS Vita.

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