Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tips on Japan's epic fail on the Xbox + Tips on Japan's big success on Sony

Many of you have known that Japan's RPG games are in a genre. To let you know on how Japan did an epic fail on the Xbox and a big success on Sony, I have important tips on how did Japan have an epic fail on the Xbox and a big success on Sony. Here it is.

Tips on how Japan did an epic fail on the Xbox:

First off, when the Xbox 360 was first released, Japanese game conpanies gave it a shot. However, it was an epic failure because Japan didn't work well with Microsoft's Xbox. Overall, RPG games Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Record of Agarest War were released, but they didn't even work out well since Japan hates the Xbox and have decided to give a shot on a different console made by a different company.

Tips on how Japan did a big success on Sony:

Next, when the PS3 was first released, the Japanese game companies have succeeded in making the JRPGs a big success. It's because Sony just relied on Japan's companies that did RPG and fighting games. Overall, the majority of the JRPGs are in Sony Computer Entertainment consoles. Basically, NIS did a majority on PlayStation consoles because they made the JRPGs, making them an epic success. Plus, Sony had a few more RPG games on the PS3 to be released next year before carrying over the JRPGs to the PS4, while the Xbox One won't be having anything interesting since Japan isn't interested in doing the Xbox One.

These are the tips above on how Japan did well on Sony while Japan did an epic failure on the Xbox. I hope you understand, readers and fans.

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