Friday, December 6, 2013

My PS4 Story (Part 1 of 2)

With Christmas just around the corner for me for a PS4, I have a story about a PS4 to improve my writing skills. I'm not going to steal content or anything. I just had this idea, so it's not stealing content. When the PS4 was first released, they are sold to many people. I was going to make this as my early Christmas present, but in a few minutes, they are SOLD OUT!! It was totally unfair since the PS4 was a high demand. After awhile, my mom calls GameStop to see if there's more in stock, but still no dice. Also, Walmart didn't have any of them in stock. That's where my big brother works at. I'm guessing it has something to do with the popularity of this next gen console.

At lanuch, a few games were released and we get more games. Mainly, Sony was a company that did PlayStation consoles including this one. Awhile ago, I said I wanted an Xbox One because it'll have RPGs and such, but I just realized that Japan will not support it and that makes me sad all the way... But there's no reason to be sad because I'm glad the PS4 is getting more JRPGs to make us the entire viewing world proud. Sadly, I heard Killer Instinct 2013 wasn't really worth a fighting game. But how's Killer Instinct not worth it? We've waited like 19 years and it's finally happening! But now it's being derailed because it wasn't worth it? That should've been for the PS4 as well.

Since we're getting more RPGs, Japan did well on the previous Sony consoles, so they will do well on the PS4 because it's a Sony exclusive. JRPGs turn out well on the Sony conoles at nighttime (figure of speech for turn out well beyond the line). I'm so surprised that they do not turn out well on the Microsoft consoles at nighttime neither (figure of speech for didn't turn out well beyond the line). I been wanting a PS4 so badly, but it's UNFAIR when they are sold out in a minute! Can you believe all the craziness they had for the PS4? I bet those PS4 weirdos are liking Japan's games as much as I do.

I mean, seriously, I would mainly consider myself a Japanese fan, but it's a hard language to master because of the hard-to-understand Kanji symbols. When it comes to anime, the Japanese companies always loving Sony, especially Tri-Ace, which is not a bad start. I have to be an idiot to trade in my PS3 for a PS4, but I decided not to trade. Trust me, I knew greatness awaits us. That's the slogan for the PS4.

This concludes part 1 of my PS4 story. Once I got it for Christmas, I'll start part 2 of my story. If not, then part 2 will be delayed a lot. Because no PS4 means no season 2, and no season 2 means no next gen reviews will be written! Worse, nighttime companies in Japan will be catastrophic! I gotta have it, for my fellow Backloggers who participated to the Tales of Xillia Theme Month in December, SuperSlash (Milla Maxwell), KasumiBlue (Alvin), Dimentionalist (Leia Rolando), Kharg (Teepo), Blink (Driselle) and ironheadbison (Ludger Kresnik)!

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